Ola Englund
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  • Hello Ola! I enjoy watching your videos and I think your Solar guitars are amazing! I have a 1989 Yamaha RGX Custom guitar that almost basically looks like your brand of guitars in the Super Strat style. Maybe one day I might develop an urge to purchase one of your fine instruments. I sure love my guitar more since your guitars are like mine. Keep making more YT videos and I'll keep watching. Thank you me friend!
    hi Ola a just have to thank you for your videos on youtube channel they are very helpful...
    Hey man, thanks for all th videos on youtube, they've been extremely helpful! Also I was wondering what you thought of the dual rectfiers clean channel?
    Hey. I was just wondering if you have had a chance to use the AxeFx in a live situation?

    Great videos by the way, i'll be looking out for more!
    hey man,

    finally watched your mesa/ENGL comparison thread. I was wondering what settings you're using for your mesa? I have a roadster head and I'd like to try them out.

    Cheers man, stay heavy :metal:
    :wavey: welcome dude :wavey: im gonna call on you in the future when i get money for a big boy amp - just need 3 more guitars first!
    Hi Ola, welcome to sevenstring.org. I think you will find the community here to be much greater than that of any other forum. I am a big fan of your videos, keep them coming. :)
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