Adam Of Angels

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  • Hi Adam !!!
    I'm here just for one reason
    Did you sale the blue Jackson sl1
    I need that guitar , I'm been looking for a long time and finally I saw for post but that was like 7 years ago
    I wish you still have it for sale.
    Cheers !!!
    Hey dude, I tried PM'ing you cuz I had a couple questions about the possible trade we discussed, but your inbox is full. I just wanted to know if you had the Certificate of Authenticity for the Music Man and if there were any flaws on either guitar?
    Hell this may be easier. I'm keen on that pup, but a pic would be good. I'm also curious to see if you'd be flexible price wise.
    Hey man PM'd you back about the Ibanez. Also...that PRS is something else.
    Ho le chit that pink 513 is one of the coolest things I have seen. Can't remotely afford that much or even adding another guitar at all, so putting this here not in the thread. But damn!
    Hey Adam, still have my Skervesen to trade - still interested? What do you have at the moment? :)


    Hey man. Tried to reply to you but your PM box is full.
    Thanks for the trade offers. If you come upon any of those guitars I posted, please do let me know.
    I noticed you we're selling a PRS Archon, I'm not interested in buying but i was wondering what you thought about the high gain channel. How would say it compared to other amps you've played, tonal aspects, etc. ? just curious. what amps would you say its close to and how it compares? Thanks
    Hi there, was interested in your Agile Septor! I have for trade an ESP LTD F250, with dual EMG 81 pickups. Hope to hear from ya!
    Current Activity: Viewing Thread FS /FT Some High End Guitars (Mostly ESP/Ibanez) - [EU/Wolrdwide]
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