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  • what do you plan to going to school for? and a solo album, that's pretty neat.

    and welcome to 7string haha, i am sure you will find lots of neat reason's to stay around.

    i have been working slowly with friends on a musical endeavor since February, and really we have been more worried on the musical compositions then actually getting the band up and functioning. hopefully getting it wrapped up recording wise in December haha.

    besides that i am working on a bunch of youtube cover's, some new human abstract, protest the hero, chon, and born of osiris. i am just really lazy, but the quality of the vids will be 1000X better then before.
    yeah dude periphery is always pretty tight, and ryan filling in for the human abstract was tight.

    so whats up man, i didnt really get to talk to you at the show lol i wasnt all that sober ha. see you play guitar also, that's awesome! i have heard of you band, i missed them at AAL cause i was switiching back between it and the ghost inside that night ha
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