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  • Hey Kasey, I purchased them directly from Lace. I believe they're still making them in red and in blue. Glad Ola noticed! I made a few small changes including a solderless wiring harness and I'm using machine inserts and machine screws in place of the wood screws. If I remember correctly, they're 2-56 which is small enough to work with the standard pickup mounting eyes but not destroy the original threads.

    Here are the pickups: http://www.lacemusic.com/Lace_Shop/proddetail.php?prod=Alumitone_Color_HB

    I did do a Guthrie Govan "tribute" guitar recently and I couldn't figure out how to get anodized red bases so I made my own. Red sharpie. Worked like a charm!
    hey there, my name is Kasey and I work for Ola Strandberg doing his digital marketing and social media. Ola asked me to ask you about those red lace pickups, if those were something you bought or you painted yourself. Can you please let me know at kasey@strandbergguitars.com? Appreciate your help!
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