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  • Let me know when you'll be playing a show next time, ill drop by.I play in Nikotin now :p
    lol, ARO...its been a while since I've heard it myself, Vin and i used to jam to it quite often.As for the lessons, just let me know whenever you feel that you need it...and yeah spiral architect is awesome.
    Yeah man, the guy's playing is pretty nuts...his band is cool too....and nope nothing on the web just yet.but should have something soon.
    I still haven't gotten the ticket yet, totally slipped my mind that it was this Friday until Aaron reminded me today.

    haven't checked out the album yet but did see the play through video with loomis.Pretty Great.
    New Gojira is sick man....and yeah well don't ask me anything bout that place.I don't like thinking bout it :p
    I've personally never been a fan of Hz's.Pretty dry and no clarity IMO , so i would swap them out if I were you but if you already have your sound sorted with the axe through the x3 then that's good.I use my prestige's, GT10 and Blackstar series one 100 6L6.
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