Recent content by BrailleDecibel

  1. BrailleDecibel

    What are you looking forward to (music related) in 2024?

    New Stepa New Simon Says (possibly) New KoRn Hopefully some sort of Mnemic announcement; they changed their Facebook profile picture and have been dropping tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiny little hints of some sort of something going on. I will take anything. :lol:
  2. BrailleDecibel

    New BC Rich Same Bullshit.

    Reading over this thread is inspiring a rare moment in which I am sort of glad Epiphone discontinued the Goth series, I got my Goth Les Paul in April of this year from Reverb, just clicked and waited a little under a week, and there it was, at my door step. Also good that said guitar pretty much...
  3. BrailleDecibel

    Belated NGD: Gothicc Content Ahead!

    I do have to say, this is getting more and more, I do love it as-is, but man, it would definitely pop with a blacked-out fretboard. :D
  4. BrailleDecibel

    Belated NGD: Gothicc Content Ahead!

    At the current moment, I am rockin' some D'Addario NYXL .011-.058's, a little bit light for my taste, but still incredible strings, I am absolutely going back to these in the future!! I really, really want to, but I want to find someone who knows what they are doing and have them do it, I am so...
  5. BrailleDecibel

    Belated NGD: Gothicc Content Ahead!

    I haven't been on here much, but after getting this beast, and owning it for awhile and really getting to know and love it, I knew I had to share this one with you fine folks! About 2 months and change ago, I got a guitar that has been on my bucket list for the last 20 years...not that the model...
  6. BrailleDecibel

    Post Your GAS

    Dude, I am thinking you are correct on that one, I wouldn't be surprised one bit if I snagged a couple more of these. They feel, sound, look, and play like they should be twice the price! I bought an LTD MH-17 last year for the same price, and that guitar felt and played like a balsa wood...
  7. BrailleDecibel

    Favourite not popular guitarist?

    Plus he was in the band Neurotica, which appeals to my nu-metal sensibilities nicely! :lol:
  8. BrailleDecibel

    Post Your GAS

    My GAS arrived yesterday, 3 days early from the projected shipping date...WOO!! I am in Jackson Heaven over here, people haha. :D
  9. BrailleDecibel

    Fear Factory - Aggression Continuum

    As a FF fan since '98, this is some sad shit to in shambles, if it even exists at all after this, pretty much has been pure disappointment for me since "Mechanize", and all of the ridiculous drama and infighting over the years...they were a huge influence on my playing/writing style...
  10. BrailleDecibel

    NGD: Part of the Bass VI club

    Happy NGD!! She is a beaut! Were it mine, I'd be off learning a ton of Loathe songs haha. :D
  11. BrailleDecibel

    Favourite not popular guitarist?

    My vote goes to Mike DeWolf of Taproot...his ability to write both thick, heavy, slamming riffs, as well as beautiful textures and clean stuff, and then mix it all together into one seamless package is pretty astoundng, at least to this guy haha. :D
  12. BrailleDecibel

    Why are you happy right now?

    My NGD is here!! Probably not going to do an "official" NGD for it because pretty much everyone has one of these and there are pics out there everywhere, unless you guys are interested myself a Jackson JS22-7 in satin black with the Amaranth fingerboard, and holy hell, this one is...
  13. BrailleDecibel

    Why are you happy right now?

    Who has two thumbs and an impending NGD? This dude!
  14. BrailleDecibel

    Jason Hook FFDP Abomination Incoming

    His hand tattoo will go well with his new Kiesel... :lol:
  15. BrailleDecibel

    New Metal Music Thread

    My favorite song of 2020 so far. :D