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  • Congrats with Koscheck last weekend! After the Penguins comment I am a Koscheck fan for life. Good Luck with the GSP preparations!!
    I hear your commercials for your Guerilla Jiu Jitsu book on Sherdog all the time!! Welcome Dave!
    Hey dude!

    Was browsing the forums and saw you posting and was like "Where do I know this name from?".
    Then I realized its THE Dave Camarillo, creator of Guerrilla Jiu-Jitsu. I am a huge MMA fan, especially UFC, so it's pretty awesome for me to see such a highly regarded trainer and Jiu Jitsu practitioner posting on this site. To hear that you're into guitars, 6 ,7 and strings and Meshuggah makes you possibly the coolest trainer in my eyes ha ha

    Also, I attended UFC 110 and let me say that Cain impressed the hell out of me, he is destined for great things in the heavyweight division. Look out Mr Lesnar :agreed:

    Take it easy buddy and welcome to the Forums

    - Chris
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