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  • Info? like date and place of manufacture? Nah I dunno. I tried to find that info but its not available on time. I didnt try to contact schecter directly though. I know I got mine right when the diamond series 7's had just came out. I think 97 or 98. All the a7's like that are mahogany body and maple neck, rosewood FB, Xjumbo frets, generic duncan PU's. Mine originally had the gun metal grey paint job. I sanded all the paint off and refinished it with tung oil. I replaced the generic Duncan with the EMG707. It sounds massive in the mahogany. Almost too massive. I thought about maybe trying the 81-7 to tame the hugeness. I love my A7. I think Schecter were using better pieces of wood at the time. At least mine has a Beutifull piece of nice heavy mahogany. If yours is like mine youll have a pleasant surprise if you ever decide to sand it down.
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