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  • 440/450 GBP sounds fair to me. Do you need to sell it now? I need to wait another 3 weeks before i get my paycheck. I'd also love to get some pictures of the guitar of every square inch of it! haha i know they play great but i want to see all the details myself to be absolutely sure what I'm going to get. can you pm me your e-mail address so we can discus about the guitar there?
    yeah, a couple of people have complained about the price. the problem is that they cost about 720 to buy from the states when you account for the case, freight, and most importantly, import duties. at what price would you be more interested?
    hmm you are asking 480 GBP and that is almost as much as a new one. for a second hand with a flaw asking that is a little to much in my point of view. Love the look of it! looks really good
    not really digging the purple to be honest. Do you have some good quality pictures of it? if it's a beauty it might change my mind! can you make me a list of flaws, condition and the price you have in mind?
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