Recent content by FatKol

  1. FatKol

    RG2228M Confirmed

    Oh gosh... I see where my future money will go... I'm going to slap those EMG's outta there and instead I'll get Lace Deathbar/Xbar plus a Pickguard - and my dream guitar is done.
  2. FatKol

    Lace Alumitone Deathbar and X-Bar for Ibanez RG 2228?

    Hi all! I'm recently in search for a new Pickup for my Ibanez RG 2228. First I was looking for some Bareknuckles, but then I discovered the Alumitones. Does anybody has some experience with the Alumitone Deathbar and/or X-Bar? From what I've heard, they have beautiful clean sounds but the...
  3. FatKol

    Refinishing a guitar in EU

    Well I understand what you mean, but I don't think it's possible to get a stunning finish under that price. ;) But maybe I'm mistaken ;) The question for you is: Is the guitar really worth the 350,- for a new finish? ;)
  4. FatKol

    Refinishing a guitar in EU

    Yep. 350€ for the body and 70,- for the headstock, that's how much I'll have to pay for the swirl, I'll make on my RG2228 ;-) But you have to strip down the guitar on your own. He makes only the finishes ;-) Really really(!) nice guy to work with! EDIT: I've to say the price is not that...
  5. FatKol

    Jazz Metal

    If you like Exivious, you should check out Allan Holdsworth and the whole Fusion section ;) (it's not Metal, I know.) And as other said here: Cynic, Panzerballett MASSIV Edit: Felix Martin: 14 string guitarist (How in god's name could I have forgotten him?!)
  6. FatKol

    Refinishing a guitar in EU

    This guy: Swirled Living in Germany. His main priority are swirls, but he does other finishes too (as you'll see in the pictures!) Really, really nice guy to work with! :)
  7. FatKol

    Pearl Orange refinish (2228 content)

    Mother of god! That. looks. gorgeous! Can't wait to re-finish mine with a swirl :)
  8. FatKol

    The Devin Townsend Supermegathread!

    Hi guys, it's kinda embarrassing to say it, but I finally got into Devin's music, after months of listening to it and I have NO idea which CD's are good. I've only heard he was in different bands, one is called Strapping young lad (or anything close?)....? Main question is: Which CD's should...
  9. FatKol

    Skervesen Raptor, again!?

    Mother of god, what a beauty! :)
  10. FatKol

    New M8M Day

    Absolutely(!!!) gorgeus! :) But seriously - the price (6 000€) - W.T.F.?!:spock: :wallbash:
  11. FatKol

    Vik Domineer 9 string multiscale build

    This guitar is pure pornographie.
  12. FatKol

    Ibanez RGA7

    I have it too. Amazing guitar, except for the stock pickups. After a week I put DiMarzio D-Activator 7's in it... Now I LOVE it! :)
  13. FatKol

    Vik Domineer 9 string multiscale build

    I usually don't like 9+ string guitars. But this build, damn. This is so so so so beautiful! Can't wait to hear it with pickups :)