Recent content by FearTheDeer

  1. F

    Anybody following this hilarious Summer Slaughter story?

    Could Finn’s lips be any more closely adhered to Ash’s anal sphincter?
  2. F

    Terrible albums with really good guitar tones.

    I don’t know, ask Ornette Coleman? Or John Zorn? Or Mike Watt? Or Ron Jarzombek?
  3. F

    Dissimulator - Lower Form Resistance (FFO Sadus, Voivod, Obliveon, early Meshuggah)

    Love the album man. Been in frequent rotation since it was released.
  4. F

    ESP 2024

    Starting to think I got lucky. Ordered mid-2021, delivered mid-2023. Absolutely immaculate fit and finish, great instrument all around. Maybe not the sickest top around but I think it’s pretty rad. Picture honestly doesn’t do it justice. Prices have jumped like $1300 since I ordered. Def would...
  5. F

    What are you looking forward to (music related) in 2024?

    Definitely some upcoming albums I’m looking forward to. As others have mentioned, Spectral Voice and JFAC. Also super stoked for the new Julian Lage and Skeletal Remains albums, as well as the Comeback Kid EP. On the live music side I have front row tickets to both G3 and Priest coming up, and...
  6. F

    What are you looking forward to (music related) in 2024?

    G Glad I’m not the only one who suffers from this chronic ailment.
  7. F

    best cheap home practice amp

    Another vote for the Peavy Vypyr. Keep one in the living room for noodling while I’m watching movies/TV. Not gonna blow anyone’s socks off, but it does what it needs to do.
  8. F

    Fender Bruno Mars sig Strat

    Not a fan of the dudes music at all, but he is a genuinely talented musician. I remember seeing a video of him a few years back just hanging out in the studio, bouncing between a bunch of instruments, and playing them all with a pretty decent level of proficiency.
  9. F

    Comfort vs. tone

    Pickups and amplifier are 90% of your tone. I’m not convinced there’s anything magical about the LP body shape or construction that makes them sound any better than a strat or a tele. If there was, tone obsessed dudes like Vai, Petrucci, etc wouldn’t spend their entire careers playing super...
  10. F

    New Tomb Mold - The Enduring Spirit

    Just finished my first listen and I’m loving the direction they went in for this release. Probably a top-ten album of the year for me.
  11. F

    Good reasons to buy another guitar?

    If I want another guitar, I buy it. I’m an adult and my finances are in good order. I don’t need any more justification than that.
  12. F

    Decapitated - The Art of Death Metal Official Tab Book (transcribed by me!)

    I would scoop that up in a second. So bummed I missed out on the first batch.
  13. F

    looking for a pickup which sounds like jb but has higher output and better chug

    BKP Holy Diver. Very much nails the overall JB sound but they managed to tighten it up by getting read of some that low-mod woofiness that the JB has.
  14. F

    NGD: ESP E-II Horizon 7

    Man Man that is a sick guitar though. The finish is awesome and I always love the look of an HSS EMG set.
  15. F

    NGD: ESP E-II Horizon 7

    I don’t usually have issues accidentally hitting the volume knob. But even so, man is that knob placement UGLY.