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  • hey man. i might actually be able to get you the money tomorrow. not for sure. ill try for as soon as possible. but at latest. friday
    O i've been pretty good. Back to school soo that is all i'm really doing now besides trying to put a band together
    Hey man, I saw your post about mesa cabs being better for recording and vaders better live
    and I was really hoping you could send me clips when you get the time of distorted tone through both cabs using the same settings on whatever head you run through them.

    I'm really on the fence about getting an Avatar cab with speakers in an x-config or saving for the Vader 412.
    A chiropractor really isn't the best person to see for this type of situation, and are usually full of shit anyway (that's a different story all in itself, though..). I'm not saying he's not right, but I'd at least get a nerve conduction test so that you know for sure if it's CTS.

    And as I very importantly outlined in my first post, don't wear the wrist splints all the time. All they do is limit motion and shifts the pain up to your elbow. It may ease the pain temporarily, but in the long run you're doing more damage than good. I really don't know why all these so-called "experts" recommend splints, it's pretty ridiculous. I use them while I sleep, but that's IT, and only because I have a bad habit of sleeping on my stomach which of course twists my wrists into some awkward positions during the night.

    Check out a book called Pain Free by Pete Egoscue, it contains by far the best exercises I've ever used. I'll try and scan up the wrist section if you can't get a copy.

    I gave you pretty much all the tips I have, but I can definitely elaborate more if you have specific questions. I'm sure there's at least a few more preventative measures I missed, I'll let you know if I think of any more. Good luck man and don't give up hope!
    Also, I heard there was some woman in Bowling Green that wen to Mexico, came back to Bowling Green, and now has swine flu (or H1N1 or whatever). Watch your back and wash your hands. :peace:
    hey man, first off i'd say try the splints only during sleep and see how that helps. start doing stretches now and stay away from the guitar/computer for a while. try the exercises on the site i listed, find which ones work best for you then do them everyday.
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