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  • What's funny is that I had to change some presets on my gearbox for my Bareknuckle Pickup because the tube screamer made it Djenty as all hell. :lol: :shrug:
    I was using a Line 6 TonePort using Gearbox. The patch was the Line 6 Chunk Chunk patch with g12 75 speakers.

    I got similar tone out of my tube amp too. I guess I just didn't have it tuned a certain way. I dunno, I just always found it strange I could never get the typical tone out of it :lol:
    You know, I was listening to some of your recordings with the Lundgren I sold you, and I could NEVER get it to sound like that.

    Listen to the song "in spite" at my soundclick -

    I recorded that before I sold the pickup, then listen to pretty much any lundgren recording, and it's totally different. Not that i'm complaining, i'm just perplexed why I could never get the "Lundgren" out the lundgren.
    Do you got any pics of your guitars? I heard that you have pretty cool axes man :yesway:
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