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  • ahh awesome, ill have to have a chat with him and sort something out! cheers again
    ohh thats not bad i suppose! I was expecting it to be a fair ammount more haha. I might have to get in touch with them soon then, cheers for the heads up on it! What does she play like now? The neck as badass as you had expected?
    ahh cheers dude, how much did it cost to get it done in the end? I know it wont exactly have been cheap, but im in need of a ballpark figure before i start work on it haha. Whats the dealio with the ibby logo as well, did you end up having to get another guy to put it on for you?
    Dude, really where did you get that neck!!! Because ive been looking for one to be built for my S, and seen as youre UK based itd be super handy :D
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