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  • Dude, if you keep writing and I get around to finally buying a good condenser mic then I'm down to throw vocals on it.

    My vocals are reminiscent of those like Beneath the Massacre.

    I just got reeeally inspired by your new glitch track.
    Hahahah that's cool man. They closed my thread, they thought it was bad. I searched weed on here and it came up in many posts so I thought I could post what I did hahah.

    Most of my high creations are on SoundClick artist: Giant Letter Three - page with MP3 music downloads ahaha
    smoke don`t help me to writte, but, when the shit goes off, my mind keeps really open, and there comes the creativity, my songs when I`m high are...are not songs are just endless solos out of tune :rofl:
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