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  • Ah, sorry man. I never saw it.

    Emmm... I honestly don't know. It's probably going to cost you a fair bit more, as basses aren't part of his regular line (CNC programming and all). While he is a busy, *busy* guy, I don't imagine that e-mailing him will do any harm. :) In case I haven't stressed this enough, I'd like to mention that the guy is a wonder to work with, which is more than can be said for a few other Ibby replacement part builders. Give him a shout. :metal:

    It's good to hear that you're digging the extended scale too, man. I reckon that my next bass purchase (whenever the fuck that is :() will definitely be extended. Longer seems to = better, as far as low tunings as concerned.
    Hey dude...

    Silly question, but where did you manage to track down your Celloblaster, as I've been scouting for one for a while?
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