Scar Symmetry

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  • Well, in fairness, that picture was taken at an autograph signing. :idea:

    Okay, maybe not. :(

    Amanda's got a matching one from the other side of the table but she's been too shy put hers up. ;)
    Haha it says there's been some kind of competition held by Telia (sweden's biggest mobile phone operator), and that the winners have been the ones who got the most people to vote for them through creative campaigning, commitment etc. There's also some kind of jury that's written a motivation for why each of them won. why the hell would you want to know that, Dave? :lol:
    Happy New Year man! Let's drink to a new year full of amazing music and delight! :cheers:

    Oh and may 2010 bring Traces to Belgium and release my band's EP :D
    Damn, I never really checked out your band until now..
    I'm blown away! Although I'm not that familiar with black metal, I love the HUGE symphonic sound! Epic dude! :metal:
    Definitely keep me informed if you ever gig in Belgium, I can only imagine how epic your gigs must be..
    Did I say it's epic yet? :D

    Kudos and a merry Christmas to you good sir!
    This vid is for guys like you as much as anyone - Merry Christmas ya nobbah :)

    YouTube - Merry Christmas from Shred Reviews!!
    Hey man when can one expect some new Traces material? I was drinking with an old guitar teacher of mine and your band came up which was kinda shocking because no one listens to metal where I live.
    Hey, Scar
    Been looking for some Orchestra Soundtracks. I remember you saying "you like Lord of the Rings soundtrack" Which songs and soundtrack are the best of their catalog?

    Thanks and God Bless, H.R.
    Usually helps. I had a 727 for a while, that's had at least subsequent 2 owners who are/were on the board. Sold it way before I joined, but AFAIK there's only been one bright green 727 on here. :) I didn't get on with it at the time, so sold it & got a C7 HR with a slightly longer scale... but I'm back to 25.5 now! Good guitars. If you have the choice go active because that gives lots of options. Also tung oil neck is a must IMO. Oh, and a job!
    Definitely not a swampy, I can tell you that. Yeah, it's a real head turner. Blew me away when I first saw it in person, and I think that Rob was 'WTF' when he saw it too. I've said it before and will do again - Carvin have access to some top class timber, and if you get their vibe their guitars are excellent!
    Not totally sure but I think so - 95% or so. The guitar was pretty close to dead stock specs apart from the insane quilt top. Why's that, you own it now?? ;)
    :lol: Good luck. Personally, of those, Crown Lager is by far my favorite. VB is quite nice, though it is very bitter (hence the name "Victoria Bitter"), XXXX Gold i personally tihnk tastes like shit, and Coopers Pale is amazing as well.

    Beez is pretty awesome too, but odd for a beer. It's been ages since i had one mind you.
    Some people drink it :ugh: ... Fosters is largely regarded as pisswater though :noway: VB, XXXX Gold, Crown Lager, Tooheys New, Carlton Draught, Coopers Pale Ale, Beez Neez and Tooheys Extra Dry are where it's at :yesway:
    :lol: There's no such thing as too much video games :lol: I don't have a PS3 yet tho... makes me a sad panda :( (i dislike 360...).

    Cheers as well for the course thingo, i cannot fucking wait to start. It will be awesome :metal:
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