Scar Symmetry

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  • That is sexy. :drool:

    You know how partial I am to teh purpleness. :wub: I can't wait to see my RG7 either, man. She's gonna be hawt. :metal:

    Thanks for the offer, man. It's really fucking hard, so I'll probably shoot you a PM. I've never been through this before, so I really don't know how to handle it. Thanks so much. :wub:
    Is ok dude, I got what ya meant :D

    Yeah, there will be a NGD when it arrives. I suspect that will be around the end of January given construction time but that's just fine with me ^^

    Yeah, under £400 is too damn limiting and I know I like Carvins so it was a no-brainer. Adds up to around £900 but thats including tax, duty, shippping, a new's good value.

    Finish is black - I'm an uncomplicated dude so it made sense ^^ It's also by way of a tribute to my two favourite guitars from when I used to play - a DC200 and DC135 that were also black. The back of the neck is going to be finished in tung oil, and I'm going for no inlays as well - those active electronics make Carvin pickups actually crush quite massively so I'm also off the BKP idea.

    For now :D
    So yeah...about the ESP vs Schecter decision...

    I decided neither. Next month I'm ordering a Carvin DC727 with active electronics and a hardtail....that should be sufficiently awesome methinks! :D
    Aight dude, am I right in thinking you guys are coming to Bristol with Viatrophy at some point? Definitely going to have to come along if that is indeed the case!
    I thought it might be possible to route out a new pickup position in the neck so rather than have that middle pickup and no neck (It's the Stephen Carpenter sig. model) I could have a bridge/middle/neck in an H/H/SH (stacking humbucker) config.

    I would guess it's too much work involved in routing another pickup out of the body.
    I think I might have to!! Couple more questions as you are the ESP guru:

    Do you think it would be possible to fit a dedicated neck pickup (stacking humbucker) in the 207? Then the $64000 question......would you agree that ESP is generally better than Schecter - at least in the lower price brackets?
    Yeah, I was looking at the ESP - I hear that the Schecters can be variable and have rather more chunky necks. Everything else about them is absolutely equal....
    You're welcome, mate! Enjoy being the designated driver while the rest of the band gets pissed drunk. :D

    You will get your revenge, though. ;)
    It's all good man! As I said, I can definitely relate to what you were saying. I guess I was jus tryin to say that opinions are like arseholes, and arseholes can be stubborn! Still think they're complete BS threads though :fawk: Didn't want it winding you up like that kinda stuff used to wind me up, then it'd generally make me be out for blood :wallbash:

    Ok question - ESP SC 207 or Schecter Demon 7 - which sounds the best and sucks less bearing in mind both are sub £400 7-strings......

    Can't choose!
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