Scar Symmetry

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  • :lol: there's a thread? Honestly i just found it in your album over there ---->

    Still... ENGL... do want :yesway:
    Rob's a funny guy - the UK folks will get that he "twats about" and has a laugh rather than actually being a twat in the negative sense and belive me, he's a seriously decent bloke that's helped me out massively just recently. The whole story will come out when I do a NGD in the next couple of weeks but yeah, amazing dude.

    WHERE is the Trace's album by the way!?!?! :D

    This will make you laugh - you know I got banned for 5 days this week? I accidentally negged you and then thought "Oh shit, I better give Dave some +ve to even it out" so I repped a bunch of people, +repped you and then got banned for rep abuse.

    I was SO tired when I read that thread I totally fucked it up - I failed!! ^^
    I demand you send me your ENGL :squint: That way, it can sit next to my VMAX on the floor not being used 'cos i have no cab... :squint::squint::lol:

    Hows things over there in "the motherland?"
    Warming up? Just a bit of tremelo picking and generally just chromatically run up and down the fretboard, then just play random licks for a while... generally with cof it's more the picking that really hurts if you got into it cold!
    "My wife tells me you have a block in your toilet,"
    "No I don't"
    "You do now..."

    :rofl: Fuck i love that show.
    They sure do. Lets lobby for one. Amazingly real, dark and twisted comedy. Favourite character has to be Geoff Tipps.
    That's interesting, what is it you weren't happy about with the EP if you don't mind me asking? I'm looking forward to hearing some of the newer material whenever it's ready.
    I like it a lot, but I had listened to some of the stuff on your myspace already so I knew that it would be something I enjoyed. Only complaint I can think of is some of the clean vocals on To Engulf All Creed aren't really my thing but honestly, that's a really minor thing IMO. You guys should all be really proud dude. :yesway:
    Please don't! It scares me... D:
    (Speaking of which, we really need a D: smiley).

    Yeah, well I was as sick as a dog last night so I wasn't getting much sleep, exactly... :( Still am. Bleagh...
    :eek: Plus she's clad in a 'Dying Fetus' shirt! I'm in love. Tell me she lives in Portland! :)
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