Scar Symmetry

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  • "USA and UK would be pretty good buddies if we took the time to understand each other IMO."

    Too true man! Two of the best weeks of my life were in London, just talking to people when I got the chance. :yesway:
    666 posts! i'm so metal! :hbang:
    i actually don't normally pay attention to my post counts. i'm so opinionated about everything and get caught up in posting/responding that i lose track of the count. :lol:
    Who may or may not exist... And who's existence how ever improbable, is impossible to disprove. Therefore he/she must exist. :D

    Yeah, did you know that the actual number of the beast is 616 and 666 is just a mistranslation? :agreed:
    Noooo!!! Look out! You're on 665 posts! Make you're 666th extra special and the NEVER post again! D:
    cheers dude, much appreciated. someone else has said the same thing. I will do soon, just need to mix another track and master all three so they are all the same level.
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