Scar Symmetry

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  • Wait, you mean it doesn't say that? Thanks for the heads up... I'll go fix that.
    See if it pops up like this: "conversation between Scar Symmetry" - Google Search

    EDIT: I know it's limited but I'm not sure, otherwise. Worth a shot.
    Hey, dude, I thought I'd bring my response over here because our little back-and-forth was the only thing that interested me about the thread. So, to your post: I'm not saying that music can't be about making you feel, just that it wasn't originally, depending on whom you ask. Neither was I saying that one of my favorite composers (Shostakovich) was emotionally bland (nothing could be further from the truth). The only point I was trying to make (or at least that I'm trying to make now) is about the "purpose" of music, which is separate from whether it should or can make you feel. :)
    I didn't know you used to be in Viatrophy! Did you play on any of their albums, or just that EP?
    I just mean that I've been on the losing side of a moral argument on here once or twice, and while a change in mood or a few other perspectives have their value, you had (have) right and reason to feel the way you did initially. I just didn't want to see you concede on something that's almost solely a matter of preference. However, if you honestly feel like your initial opinion was just a reflection of whatever mood you were in at the time but you feel differently overall, fair call... I don't think anything less of you or your perspective for it either way.
    Not particularly dude! I mean, one of my favourite tones of all time is from the one before, Impossibility of Reason, hence the 5150 GAS and subsequent purchase, but I never really aimed to have it like theirs. Good to know though!
    I saw on Randy's page you have been writing some new stuff, keep me posted duder.

    I am pretty much solo at the moment as well. I didn't make a big deal out of it but Swallow The Ocean kinda fell apart about a month ago, so i have been writing on my own since. Anyway hope all is well, lookin forward to some clips!
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