Scar Symmetry

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  • Oh sweet! Clips when you get around to it. :yesway:

    Not 100% on if you were dating somebody when I spoke to you last but congrats on things with her. Sounds like they're going well. :wub:
    Oooh, any spoilers on what kinda influences you've been taking in your new stuff? I'm intrigued.

    Unfortunately we didn't end up winning but we did rank in the top 5, which was a feat in it's own considering there were over 100 bands trying to get in.

    Thanks, man. I appreciate you saying that. While handling reported posts, etc. is enough of a job in it's own, we're trying hard to work on the attitude around here. There was way too much "Meh. I hate everything" going on all over the place, it was giving us a bad reputation and I don't want us to be that place.

    It'll take some time but we'll get there. :yesway:

    How're things going on your own now? Sorry if I missed any updates but did you find a new gig or are you just working on stuff solo still?
    Haha sweet :p Yeah much better, I mean there are little niggles here and there but the overall game is just epic. Bt the way, theres an achievement for getting 1,000,000 points in firefight and someones made a gametype to do it in 10 minutes. I'll send it to you when I do it.
    You have fine taste sir. :wub: I used to have turqoise as my primary, olive as second, but I mix it up now. How you liking the game?
    :lol: I was reading through some of your threads and realised that you're a fucking legend. Didn't even realise you got an MH417.

    Love your work :wub:
    Sweet. Thanks dude. One last question. Double/quad tracked with the same settings? Do you just copy the sound file and paste it on a new track or do you re-record the part if you are double tracking?
    Your Horizon has EMGs, right? I'm using EMGs in mine. I'm still trying to figure out what might be causing that sharp, fizzy sound. Although, I haven't gotten to try your settings yet, but I will later today when I get the chance.
    Would you possibly be able to tell me the settings you use for the Solo C plugin? I'd appreciate it. Anytime I try to use those plugins, they sound super fizzy like the presence has been cranked all the way and doubled. I don't know if I'm supposed to have the input down farther and so on. Those plugins baffle me for some reason. :lol: Although it could just be that my guitar isn't sending the best signal. I have no clue.
    I applaud your lack of self control sir. :lol:
    For real though, sounds killer, keep it up.
    So, these traces demo's...Can I has??
    Just kidding dude, hope everythings moving along well with the group. :shred:
    Yo dude, this is Bytrix's brother, the guy who baught your white ibanez off you, I dunno if he told you but he baught it for me and he is having my old S Series which I had and it's the best choice I've ever made for a guitar, the neck is so smooth and I don't care about the dinks in the body or on the headstock because the sound is awesome and I don't get any feedback when I crank my Line 6 up and I used to with my old S Series 7 and that has EMGs in it. I just wanted you message you to say thanks :) it's a really really nice guitar and I will be holding onto it for as long as I possibly can! :D
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