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  • Thank you. Nice to hear. I sure will PM you when we're done with the new stuff. I'll put the songs out on bandcamp. Thanks for the tip. The internal issues had been boiling up for a while. About some people doing nothning and not really being interested in being a part of the band. That and the rockstar-syndrome that some people get. ;) I also tried the solo thing and will still do, but i found it hard finding someone to play drums for me. I suck at drums myself. Will not give up on the solo stuff thou.. :) Thanks for showing interest in my band, man! Let's keep in touch.
    Hey there. Didn't want to interrupt the thread more. Sounds excellent. When you generate that new stuff feel free to pm me! These boards are so swamped with new posts every day there's very little chance I'll see it otherwise.

    You could put those 3 songs on Bandcamp as an EP... just a thought.

    Excellent to hear about label offers, SUCKS to hear about internal issues...isn't that just how it goes, like you said. The reason I do the solo 'project' thing...
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