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  • Hey, just saw your Skervesen NGD, and am about to order one, how was the shipping/customs any fees?
    Lol thanks dude, yeah man the scene is tough right now. We're actually about to go into recording mode again at the end of October, but of course if any cool shows come up, we'd play them no doubt. I'd definitely be interested in working together. There's this kid that runs a promotion called Haymaker, they're on Facebook. They do a bunch of hardcore shows on the Island, and they have a decent following, so he might be able to help you out. Matt Haymaker Donnelly | Facebook That's the Haymaker kids facebook, he'll def get you on a show.
    Hey man, just came across your NGD and saw you're from NY. I'm over in queens and play in The Only Weapon (The Only Weapon + Facebook). We're always looking for shows to get on since the current NY metal scene is kinda dead, maybe we could work together. I'll keep my eyes peeled for any shows to get you guys on if you could do the same.

    P.S. that's a beautiful Skervesen you got
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