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  • ohhh sorry man i didnt see this message till now! i would have replied a while ago!
    acually i didnt have to do anything! it came perfectly set up and in tune out of the box, but i did get mine on b stock for paint flaws so maybe the first guy who got it set it up for me idk though. anyway i love the Cepheus active pickups they are super tight and crunchy, i would recomend them. all the electronics were perfect, volume knob works perfectly, the tone knob acually does somthing for a change, and the switch is solid and perfect.
    only things i didnt like were the frets, they came polished and smooth, but they are pretty short compared to ibanez's, so you rub the fretboard alot and it gets dirty, other than that i love it.
    definatly go with the flat black paint finish its soo smooth and silky and doesnt really get oily.
    idk about the 1 pickup version, i would want 2, maybe you can get one routed for cheap but it might be alot of work
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