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  • Hey man, I read in one of the computer threads that you record to a 2008 Macbook. How processor intensive are your recording sessions usually? Did you put the 7200 drive in yourself?

    I'm split between an i3 iMac and a C2D MacBook Pro, and i'm trying to determine whether the difference will be significant enough to sacrifice the portability of a laptop.

    Thanks dude.

    The Agile Pro27 looks on paper like my ideal guitar. . I only play with mega low action and I've had problems before with set necks where the Floyd is routed so shallow I physically couldn't screw the stud posts in far enough! But: I'd be mail-ordering from the UK, so returning it is not practical, so can you tell me how lo the action will go these most beauteous Agiles? BTW: how are the stock h/b pickups? Can you e-mail me? extract7@freeuk.com

    Thanx a ton.
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