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  • Ay man, couldn't help but notice you're from Fredneck as well. Just had to say what's up!

    Small world, even on SS. Haha.
    I thought the same thing!

    And thank you duderrr. North Korea is Best Korea contains a guitar with parts you sold me... :lol:
    You deserve a punch in the head, for Negging me, when I negged you for no reason (that I remember).

    lmao :wuv:
    the neck is definately BIG, but you cant expect anything different from a guitar with that many damn strings lol. but the transition between the two was pretty easy after i set up the action and muted the strings behind the nut (that actually makes a noticable difference, you got like 3 feet of string to mute on this thing). btw the two truss rod action was GREAT, and i usually have to have fretwork done on my guitars, but this one is pretty much spot on. maybe i got lucky, maybe agile makes badass instruments. i say order one man!
    yes indeed, the agile 328 pro that was up for sale here till recently =) i was a bit sceptical, but now im in love. great guitar!
    been pretty good bro! i actually signed in tonight to talk to insiren about the wave of babies tab so youre right on time. ive been super busy with getting ready for concert festivals, plus i really got burnt out on tabbin around christmas time so i took a month or so off. btw i figured out what was going on with thoroughly at home but i still cant play it lol. updates to come.....eventually =)
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