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  • Still looking for an 8 string man? I'm thinking about selling my FM 418. But I'm not sure if I want to ship it. I've never shipped anything and I'm kind of skeptical, but if you're interested, I'll see what I can work out.
    really appreciated man ! keep it up ! Your song reminds me of the band SILENCE(not suicide silence eheh) -- here's a song by them YouTube - Silence - There Is No Place Like Home
    Yeah I'd definitely like to put your song in my ipod eheh ! show me where I can download it
    Fiendish Dr Wu: His knowledge of science is only outmatched by his zest for KUNG FU TREACHERY :rofl:
    "We dont want to creating a river of blood black dynamite"....

    "Well then tell me who it is and ill just leave a little puddle"
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