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  • you better get the tool and learn it yourself. the green dots are the most finicky guitar i have ever owned or worked on.
    Djolkien metal.
    We'll grab all the folk and pagan lovers, the nerds, the scene kids and all those djent-crazy people. It will be djenius, I say! Djenius.
    :D its true that there plenty of more guitars out there which can be better... its up the taste. I think if i wont get a new RC7 then ill order a custom copy from our local luthier :p
    I like mine JSX too... there are plenty of options and its really versatile, but time to time im experimenting to exchange it for an Engl or Framus. But still i didnt decided if i should exchange it or not :p And the switching system is a nice easy sollution on that JSX really like it.
    Yup :D RC7 is the best guitar on the planet i would never sell it or anything... Im so exited about the new releases. Rusty said there will be a Maple fretboarded RC7. :D i want it so bad... And how do you like your amp?
    :D hellou mate... nice gear description... almost like mine :p And lol... we are almost the same age just BTW XD
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