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  • hey dude i posted a question in the gear forum regarding your sound, bot knowing you are a member of this forum, so i'll just copy it here:

    ive been wondering how widek got that sound on "enter through the sun". that lead part at 2:00 sounds amazin. im kind of a noob so excuse my igborance, but to me it sounds a little bit like a wah wah, although im pretty sure it's not, maybe the delay he uses gets that "wah" sound to it?

    also excuse my english, im from israel.

    thanks a lot dude
    Hey, just wanted to say, I'd probably be murdered if I bought that Mayo now but if by chance you still have it in 4-6 weeks I'd be very interested in making a deal. Didn't wanna post this in the ad cos I like not being banned :lol:
    Cheers man, keep me posted!
    Hey man, just thought I'd drop by and say how awesome your 2010/2011 thing is! I gotta buy it ;)

    WHo did your artwork? I really love it.
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