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  • urrgg, sorry, I can't find a larger version of it =(
    But to explain what it is, its basicaly master chief shredding it up on a guitar lol.
    Well I've considered getting a E530 for a while, but I have absolutely no money so it's just a fleeting thought. :)
    Fuck, what a great first visitor message on my profile.
    My avatar? :cool:

    Search "Ariel redhead, "faith lightspeed" or "piper fawn" in google. You're likely to get some VEERRRYYY NSFW results btw. ;)
    Hey man,

    I'm most likely selling my gibson LP studio - do you know anyone who'd be interested? cheers dude :)
    It's kind of in limbo.
    I put up an ad saying I MIGHT sell it in 1-2 weeks, one guy said he wanted it, but now it's 2 weeks later he's not replying to my PMs.
    So I PMed the potential buyer who's second in line, he wants to trade his beat RG7620VK for it, I'm waiting to see some pics/vid of the 7620 before I decide.

    So that's where it's at right now. You want a third one eh?
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