Scar Symmetry

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  • Thanks brodog!! Really dig this forum for how honest and respectful people are. Helps a lot getting good feedback on demos like that. Your words are appreciated =8)
    Hey man. Traces is awesome! Did you record the EP with the Cobra? How was it miked? It sounds great whatever it is. Huge tone. Hopefully I'll get to attend a Traces show here in the US soon.
    Hey Dave, I need to get you guys' EP but I never did see a link to a store that sells it in the US. Any links you know of where I can pick it up? :shred:
    Dude, there's a guy looking for a 7 string in classifieds, wants an Apex 2 or something similar, so I guess he's after a hardtail, worth a shot if you're still shifting your 7421
    Hey, Scar
    I really like your band Scar Symmetry
    Could you tell me? What you think are some of your best and greatest songs and also who sings the clean vocals your singer or someone else in the band?
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