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  • thanks buddy :). keep a lookout for us, were really new but were gonna be coming up fast! since none of us record at home we had to go to a lower end studio and our audio engineer was, to say the least, a complete dumbass :lol:. we even had to cut out 30 seconds of the last song due to some recording issues. its just a first demo though so its all good :D. and yea i can dig scale the summit, although they can get quite repetitive.
    Hey man! Thanks very much for the kind words, that means a lot! We are actually at Misha's (bulb) house right now recording three songs. They should be posted in a couple weeks. 7 strings!!!
    For BoO it's really midrangey. you can just use a hi gain amp but instead of turning up the high mids to get that djent sound you want to turn up the low mids to get that kind of sound. The tone on BoO's first album was really bassy too. If you want the kind of tone that they got on the second album, it's a lot more highs and less bass on the guitars.
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