Scar Symmetry

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  • Hi Dave,

    Ive sent you 2 messages regarding the Ibanez RG 7621.
    Please get back to me to let me know if its still available. I have the money and I would love to take it off your hands.

    Rock on!!

    Awesome dude, glad to hear things are going well. I'm really looking forward to hearing some new material...and a Traces states tour...maybe...:hbang:
    Thanks for checkin' us out Dave! We shold have some new tunes up soon from the new album.

    Looking forward to some new Traces material, how is that coming along? Did you move up to 7-strings? I know you had mentioned that you guys might.
    i kid you not!

    here is the link right off his profile on


    ps - i checked it out & it works.
    I listened to some stuff off of your band's EP. Does your keyboardist really have to use the cheesy Casio Children of Bodom / Phantom of the Opera Church Organ patch?
    Awesome man cheers =) if you see me beforehand come grab your beer and have a quick chat :yesway: lol, ill be wearing a belphegor t shirt and most likely have the only red hair with a fringe in the whole venue hahaha

    I'm off to get some cider haha, should be grabbing a t shirt off you guys and Abgott too =)
    I play guitar in Haar Haar on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads might be cool to get a gig together if you ever play Edinburgh!
    I admit, I would have taken it too... That one is too good to pass up, and it lets all the sensitive pussies know that they might get their feelings hurt if they read your post! :lol:
    Thanks, Dave! Yeah it's cool being in the bright green club :yesway: I don't see you around that much on the forums lately though, is your band keeping you from fulfilling your forum duties? :lol:
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