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  • Your avatar doesnt suit you lol.
    I feel really stupid for not being able to tell that you were tha... Fuck finishing this sentence i m to tired... Lol
    You're the dude from chat that has the big grin and orange text....

    Right? :squint:
    Lol i onlu just relised who you were.

    Never put your icon to the same guy in chat.
    Your dream came true.
    Guitare 7 cordes Ibanez RGD2127FX, Invisible Shadow à
    Hey man, how you doing?. Hows the Jackson? Not been here a while, hope to see you in chat some time soon.
    You're never on chat on the same time I am anymore. D:

    here is some melodeath then...
    Stefan Norlin - Elixir ("Original" Metal song) - YouTube
    lol...I could tell just by the way she looks and the name...XD

    Shit that's What Im doing, BE my own bad! Cause every one who wants to play metal around here is either core or Metallica wannabes.
    I'm Actually Going to put some melodic death metal kinda stuff online soon.
    they sound like they could be a a European folk metal band or power metal? XD

    Just wondering,Are you in a band ?
    Lol, I totally forgot to add you on my friend list. I always assumed you were on it already:/
    So I just got the ESP JAPAN 2012 Catalog, gonna be uploading it. Lots of pages (168)
    Hey man sorry for ditching out on the last chat conversation. My dog ran off and I was trying to look for him. Fortunately I found him so it is all good.
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