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  1. cpnhowdy

    This Economy?

    $1900 sounds steep for a small place. You might want to try to negotiate cheaper rent if your landlord wants to keep you in. According to LA times rents are declining: Housing downturn hits L.A.-area rents - Los Angeles Times
  2. cpnhowdy

    Very powerful Cisco Simulator

    Im using it at work too. Very very useful tool. We used to have 10 routers and some switches in our workspace for dicking around and studying but that just takes up space, makes heat and is a pain to re-cable. Just wish it could simulate switches too or does it now? Im thinking Ill get...
  3. cpnhowdy

    Looky what I just sold!!!

    Damn that is sweet, I really like that. Reminds me of a laminated mini-14 rifle stock that I had too
  4. cpnhowdy

    How much longer do you see us having Credit Crunch for breakfast?

    Im guessing a few million jobs will be lost in 2009 which Obama will try to replace. But with states and retailers going bust he is going to have a hard time doing that. Commercial real estate I believe is going to decline, especially with fewer retailers. That is not going to help alot of...
  5. cpnhowdy

    Linux, worth getting?

    What Stuart said. Also it depends on what you want to do with it. For me I use it only as a server because it is very solid and stable, can be very secure if you know how to lock it up, scriptable. I dont use it as a game or recording machine however. I suggest trying out Knoppix...
  6. cpnhowdy

    Okay, (some of) you asked for it... (56k... just no, sorry)

    Holy Moly now that is great collection. :yesway:
  7. cpnhowdy

    NAMM 09's Coming soon! Predictions?

    Call me crazy but I would love to see a seven string Mark Morton Dominion :nuts: :cool: ... but will never happen
  8. cpnhowdy

    Apparently I have an anger problem...

    One that I re-read from time to time which helps with my anger is Leadership and Self Deception: Getting Out of the Box by The Arbinger Institute. The title sounds like it would be a business type book instead of self-help but it deals with how people create problems and how we deal with them...
  9. cpnhowdy

    My girlfriend just broke up with me...

    That really suck man sorry to hear that, one of the worst feelings in life is when relationships go bad. It is a good idea to not live together though for myself I wouldnt be the one moving. I would tell her to get her own place. But that is just me. Perhaps a change of scenery will help get...
  10. cpnhowdy

    MY RC7 PICS!!!!

    nice axe! any chance of some side neck pics? If it is thin as a pen I gotta see it. :yesway:
  11. cpnhowdy

    Fallout 3

    Im thinking of buying it off of Steam. Though I still have to finish Crysis Warhead and Max Payne 2 that I got recently. I enjoyed Oblivion but only got about half way through it before I got sidetracked with something else. I tend to finish shorter games so I wonder how far Ill get in...
  12. cpnhowdy

    Jimmy Carter hits the nail on the head

    I would have to say Bush is the second worst president, Carter being the first. This mess started way before Bush got in office, but he has nothing helpful to fix it. However, Clinton's National Homeowner Strategy and letting Fannie and Freddie get into subprime helped get us into this mess...
  13. cpnhowdy

    Stock Market at 5 Year Low

    It really sucks but Ive been waiting for this to happen for the past two years. Everytime Bush, Paulson or Bernanke said "US economy is sound" my thought was "fucking liars". I was ready for the shit to hit the fan and Im not an economist nor even living in the US. So you can be damn sure...
  14. cpnhowdy

    Do you have any gear regrets?

    two things: 1. my boogie Mark III combo amp just before moving to Japan in 96 for $500 2. I had an ESP horizon or mirage? cant remember which that had the Vernon Reid geometric patterns on it. Sold it for $400 to help pay for uni :nuts:
  15. cpnhowdy

    Whats your dream 7?

    I second this!! Would be hella fun to play that :agreed:
  16. cpnhowdy

    White 7620??

    weird, one of these just sold today on yahoo auctions for roughly $395. I couldn't find info on a white one either so didnt bid up on it. Yahoo! Ibanaz 7 string RG7-620 Seller says its an RG7-620PL Any idea what the PL stands for?
  17. cpnhowdy

    Bailout fails house vote

    Sort of, if you know which companies are going to be still standing and you dont buy too early. It is good in a way such that shitty companies get punished and good companies are left standing. That is if the markets are left alone. Someone asked earlier if I had read the bill and yes I...
  18. cpnhowdy

    Bailout fails house vote

    Well it appears that representatives were actually listening to their people this time. Many people, myself included, have called/faxed/emailed their reps and senators asking them to vote against any bailout. Im hoping those that voted yes will be voted out of office if their constituents told...
  19. cpnhowdy

    The whole AIG thing affects me in ways it affects very few people...

    I keep hearing from various blogs, forums etc that it would decimate the global economy but I havent seen a worst case scenario. How would it happen and how bad would it really be? Has anyone anywhere come up with a scenario? The $700 billion bailout come to about $2000 per taxpayer I...
  20. cpnhowdy

    Four new live videos by Exsanguination (Naren's band of doom and despair)

    Cool! :hbang: I wanted to make it to that gig but Im gonna try to make it next weekend to Shinjuku Uruga.

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