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  1. h8leech

    New mix for next album

    so yeah.. wooo... gonna have alot of time coming up for my next Valkyrie Treaty album, will be intresting to see how it turns out writting away from home, went back to old guitar and old drum presets, well here is a clip of a mix i just did thanks...
  2. h8leech

    Update from my New Band (Axe-FX, Reaper)

    hmmmmm hope thats not the final name for the track.. weird me being a black dude... intresting track
  3. h8leech

    Pod or pod and impulse?

    Its an old rg7 from like 99 or 2000, all stock
  4. h8leech

    Some Guitar Pro preproduction :)

    man.... only if my old school nintendo games had music scores like this on them... kicking some demon ass on super ghouls and ghost.... will kick ass when you get it done with guitars n drums yo
  5. h8leech

    Some random stuff I threw together. Feedback please? (:

    man... no one gave you n e love, intresting track yo, damn good at programming the beats bro.. so there is no bass guitar with this at all? when you do get one on there.. gonna be pimp. i just tune my 4 string down... yeah it flops but still get the low end.. good job bro
  6. h8leech

    New song. Math metal/Djent/Industrial Death met(Pod Farm,Metal Foundry,Trillian)

    serious skills, everyones talking about the kick.. but i think it fits, reminds me of old school Contraption 7(man, i should start a thread to see how many people know of that band) band, actually... the music reminds me alot of Contraption 7, solid track bro
  7. h8leech

    "Divine Heresy-Impossible Is Nothing" cover, Please Critique

    ......... im speechless......
  8. h8leech

    Production computer specs? Recommendations?

    i totally agree with Inception, i would go at least 6gigs of ram man, alot of the laptops at best buy are eazy on the wallet n can handle music production... alot of companys realize the demand for "media" computers now so..straight from the factory they come well stocked for their price
  9. h8leech

    Pod or pod and impulse?

    thank you very much for the replys metal brothers...ive heard about the Redwire cabs.... but i think most of the peeps i know use it with the axe-fx.. anyone have any experience with redwirez on POD hardware?
  10. h8leech

    Pod or pod and impulse?

    howdy howdy, got one clip of just the pod and then i have another of the pod cab bypassed with a free impluse cab. im slowing starting to think im just gonna invest in a damn Axe-Fx. n e who.. what cha'll think homies normal - Normal test by H8Leech on SoundCloud - Create, record and share...
  11. h8leech

    Good Computer for Recording...

    just get a system with at least 4gb of ram man, recording sofware/plug ins can be serious ram hogs
  12. h8leech

    Its been a month.. and here is the final product :D

    i would bring the vox down some yo
  13. h8leech

    Thrash Metal Mix: Thoughts on Compression?

    i actually like it the way it is.... could bring up the room/overhead mics some or just add a pinch of the high frequencies to the overheads... gotta a good old school mid 80s thrash feel to it. good job bro
  14. h8leech

    Is there a way to add -insert vst amp sim here- to playback if you bypass a pod

    sounds like you bypassed your guitar AMP and CAB bro.. you just want to bypass that CAB and leave the AMP on. how it do it on my podx3 is i hit the AMP button at the botton twice and you will see the amp n cab screen, hit the DOWN arrow once and it will highlight your CAB, use the far left...
  15. h8leech

    Aligning hits with EZdrummer...

    use the "quantize" bro. it the big Q ... then you can set it to like 1/2-1/64 or like triplets 1/2T- 1/64T
  16. h8leech

    In-depth interview with Andy Sneap

    well he is very confident in his work, he has a track record like no other , one of the main go to producers in the metal industry, if peeps think he is an asshole MAYBE it is from actually confrontation with him but honestly i think it would be a jealousy issue, some people are just as good as...
  17. h8leech

    Darkadian work in progress, heavy grooves

    damn... was like 4 years ago when i first heard a clip by you bro, then i was like.. shit i gotta get good like him!.. always been an inspiration dude.. dont know how i missed this post... tone and riff fucking punch my face!
  18. h8leech

    Beginning of my music career! (Song inside)

    whoa whoa whoa... i read the comments before check out the track.... man... its not that bad ... the fuck , especially for your first time, my shit sound like mid 80s euro death metal when i first started recording( do you know how bad that shit sounds!?!?!) yeah your gonna spend alot of time...
  19. h8leech

    Cubase question? bus outs?

    ahhhhh tre dawg.. found it bro.. you have to go to VST Connection and add Output Bus.... now i just round my guitars to it and EQ it from there.. thanks again for you help
  20. h8leech

    Cubase question? bus outs?

    thanks bro.. got it working .. getting the levels is a pain in the ass!