Search results

  1. Knyas

    DeArmond s67

    Uhhh :spock: Put a strap on the guitar and find out?
  2. Knyas

    Closed - Read the Classifieds Rules
  3. Knyas

    Sozo guitars

    Oh dear... Yes
  4. Knyas

    NGD - Daemoness Souther 7 - 56K Run away!!

    Not to mention the fact he's got 'Student' in his name :lol: I know his pain though, I'm in the same situation :scream:
  5. Knyas


    I'm sure casting a few plates wouldn't cost them much or add much to the price. There's a lot to be said in the quality difference of Schecter's and Ibby's, I don't really need to say more than that.
  6. Knyas

    Neal Moser Basilisk

    Makes some amazing Super/Strat shapes. Classic SS Check out his Gallery, you'll see some great stuff.
  7. Knyas

    Ibanez RG Neck on an Epiphone?

    No, he definitely will regret it.
  8. Knyas

    NGD Kiwicaster 7

    Wouldn't Kiwicaster sound better?
  9. Knyas

    Septor 828 or RGA8

    If you're willing to fork out for a RG2228, why not look at the slightly higher price Agile's instead of a base model? That solves pretty much every problem you've brought up. A lot of people prefer the Cepheus pickups to EMG's as well, so you might want to take that into account.
  10. Knyas

    Jem/UV Lovers in the UK, Look!

    Don't worry about not having the exact prices man, thanks for the heads up :hbang:
  11. Knyas

    Jem/UV Lovers in the UK, Look!

    How much are we talking?
  12. Knyas

    What schecter is this.

    They must also have some bored employee's since they seemed to reply to him in around 10 minutes :L
  13. Knyas

    Awesome deal on a Jackson RR

    We're in the same boat then :mad:
  14. Knyas

    Strictly 7 Guitars - Custom Quote Form Question

    It hasn't been too long at all, just generally wondering how long it takes and what not. Anyway thank you all for the replies :)
  15. Knyas

    Strictly 7 Guitars - Custom Quote Form Question

    Does anyone know roughly the amount of time it takes to get the quote form back? I've had a search around this site and google and couldn't really find any answers, just wondering if anyone knew? Also, sorry if this is in the wrong section, mods feel free to move it if it is. Cheers
  16. Knyas

    The Official Agile ERG Thread

    I'd also like to know this, but I think it's sometime way later in the year. :wallbash:
  17. Knyas

    The Official Agile ERG Thread

    There's no such thing when it comes to owning and playing guitars :shred: :lol:
  18. Knyas

    The Official Agile ERG Thread

    I'd very much second this sentiment towards the issue. Shannon, in all honesty what you're asking for is something that you should just have custom built, there's almost no market for 9 strings with FF's compared to say the 7's or 8's. Sure a few people would buy them, but the cost of making...