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  1. mizfi7

    Dead to Fall Apreesh!

    that vid is fuckin sick iv been listen to them for years so sad to see them brake up i died inside alittle that day.
  2. mizfi7

    Fredrik Thordendal: Sol Niger Withing, Where to Buy?

    I got its a very good cd.
  3. mizfi7

    FS: X-BOX 360 PRO 20GB HD & 2 GAMES

    are you into paintball?
  4. mizfi7

    Goosebump books

    If anyone has goosebump books for free i need them for my brothers birthday but i dont have anymoney so if any one can mail me even just one would be nice. pm thanks.
  5. mizfi7

    Goosebumps books

    If anyone has goosebump books for free i need them for my brothers birthday but i dont have anymoney so if any one can mail me even just one would be nice. pm thanks.
  6. mizfi7

    Rational gaze cover - first 8-string-test with new mix

    fuckin sick fav cover ever.
  7. mizfi7

    New Song Idea

    Whats s2.0?
  8. mizfi7

    New Song Idea

    My hand doesnt get tired its i have trouble hearing the drums when i record. I dont relize im out of beat when I play it but when i play it back after recording i notice it. I need to get some monitors im playing out of my guitar amp.
  9. mizfi7

    New Song Idea

    Ya im still trying to mix it better. I was wondering what the charts position on soundclick was becouse my number is in the top 100 and was wondering if that was good.
  10. mizfi7

    Line 6 Toneport Problem

    that happens to me once and a while. but happen only when i unplug when the programs are running. I did a quick google search and the links on in the last post might help you Line 6 Support : Unplugging Toneport UX2 from PC ...
  11. mizfi7

    Who inspired you to play seven?

    Life is Peachy by Korn. Got my first 7 string when I was 13 and IM 20 now.
  12. mizfi7

    Jackson COW 7

    I wish I had a job.
  13. mizfi7

    August Burns Red: Baby Hit Me One More Tiem nao

    I should probably keep this to my self, I kinda like it!
  14. mizfi7

    New Song Idea

    I got a little bit more add. When the whole song is done ill redo the guitar so its in perfect timing. And gonna switch the 2nd guitar riff to 3/4 instead of 4/4 how it is now. SoundClick artist: Matt donnelly - page with MP3 music downloads
  15. mizfi7

    My band's new tune mixed by Chimpspanner

    I love the way you recorded it. (I dont know how to word this) It sounds like a song you would be able to play live and not one of those song that you could only play in the studio of you know what i mean like some of sikths stuff sounds like they wouldnt be able to reproduce live.
  16. mizfi7

    New Song Idea

    thanks guys it should be finished soon.
  17. mizfi7

    Old recording

    thats a bad ass song to circle headbang to. it sounds like the autumn offering.
  18. mizfi7

    Antion - New recordings!

    Thats fuckin sweet.
  19. mizfi7

    Recorded a demo (brutal/tech death content inside!)

    I would buy a cd and watch you in concert.
  20. mizfi7

    New Song Idea

    So this is my first recording. Its made with reaper, guitar rig 3, ezdrummer. I know the mix isnt that great but im exited about it its not finish so its kinda short but tell me what you think.