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  1. daveycrockett

    Show your mockup dreams

  2. daveycrockett

    Fibenare Erotic Dalmat Unique (Ed DeGenaro's)

    that is one nice axe:yesway:
  3. daveycrockett

    I'm stuck....

    when i get all sick of myself i just look up weird scales or just play regular scales until something distracts me from that. sometimes going to see some good bands helps too. the crappy thing is riffs can't be forced out so if you have some down time in between inspiration don't sweat it just...
  4. daveycrockett

    Epic mockup thread of mythical ERGs that you know would never happen but you GAS For

    ^indeed,prs are so fine, like a chick if she was a guitar:scratch:
  5. daveycrockett

    Epic mockup thread of mythical ERGs that you know would never happen but you GAS For

    wow i would love a parker fly 7 body: solid balsa lol
  6. daveycrockett

    .... and the "Asshole of the Year" award goes to..... drum role please......

    duh he's the voice of a hate him too, i was flaming him on youtube and this guy sends me a reply that said "then why would you watch this sutipd" so yeah i didn't even have to try:lol:
  7. daveycrockett

    I'm goin' to Home Depot!

    who painted your toenails? brutal
  8. daveycrockett

    !!! Pedal PrOn !!!

    holy shit can i come over?
  9. daveycrockett

    Pick up opinion!!!!

    check out, i dig the hex bucker, its the perfect cross between a Duncan and Dimarzio at about 1/4 -1/2 the price. really high output!
  10. daveycrockett pickups of choice...

    GuitarHeads HexBuckers here, passive goodness
  11. daveycrockett

    LTD HEX-7 video review

    that guy just sux
  12. daveycrockett

    Technological Unemployment...the recession...MONEY...the future...arrrghhhh!

    his name is Jacque Fresco and he's the man look him up! watch everything on him, read his essays @ The Venus Project also there's another movie called Kymatica so what now.... i think enough of us the people have to know whats actually happening and know that our best interests are not being...
  13. daveycrockett

    Tapping on 10's?

    9's work great for me, good luck
  14. daveycrockett

    The Saddest Song Ever

    4 me "a warm place" by NIN
  15. daveycrockett

    Is this feasible? Mikro bass question...

    for an open note sure but i have a hunch the frets would not line up to sound the correct or intended note because they are at different intervals, also it would probably get worst as you travel up the neck... just a hunch, not to mention the length of guitar strings vs bass strings. seems like...
  16. daveycrockett

    Good 7 String Tuner?

    korg pitch black here, we (devilsclub) use em for our 7's we drop to A and an 8 string, always picks the note right up. $89.99
  17. daveycrockett

    7 string HexBucker VS Duncan Designed 7 string pickups?

    i find they're like a cross between Dimarzio and the Duncan,very flexable sound, with the coil tap applied it's like having the best of all the worlds from p90"s to 59's to a nailbomb, plus no stupid battery to dork with. as far as i'm concerned i love em hope this helps