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  1. Filip S

    S7320 black W/ EMGS

    hmm now im really depressed. i don't know whether to get blaze custom/evo7, the blackouts, or the emgs :(. a little help?
  2. Filip S

    Need Help Deciding:

    i haven't played either of them but here is my thought. you're getting the non-piezzo JP7, so im guessing you won't bother with the clean tones on it. if you dont play clean, the RG has only 3 pup selector switch positions (don't know how else to describe it) which means you will never play...
  3. Filip S

    Ibanez RG2228GK for (sc607b-s7320)

    yeah... i dont think it's gonna work out. i'd have to buy a case to ship it in etc. the costs would add up and to be honest i don't want the 8string enough for it to be worth all the hastle. besides, i think i'd miss my s7 too much. sorry if i got your hopes up :( Edit: sp
  4. Filip S

    hello, you don't know me <_< could you rate the blackouts in your s7320? can you compare them...

    hello, you don't know me <_< could you rate the blackouts in your s7320? can you compare them with other popular choices for this guitar like d-sonics/ blaze 7/ evo 7 ect? im trying to pick pickups for my s7320 but i cant chose between them, so all help will be appreciated :) thanks EDIT: did...
  5. Filip S

    S7320 black W/ EMGS

    :agreed: and... did you wire the pups in yourself or did the luthier (sp? lols) guy do it? how much did it cost you? and the pups? what's the 5 positions on your switch? how would you rate the pups? sorry about all the questions, i just really need new pups for my s7320 XD :shred:
  6. Filip S

    Picstory/tutorial SD Custom+Jazz inside an S7320

    nice job! im thinking about swapping pups in my s7320 as well, but i cant decide which ones to get. what styles of music do you play on your 7?
  7. Filip S

    Hey guys

    IBANEZ FTW!:wavey:
  8. Filip S

    Ibanez RG1527, S7320 - string bending

    mine is indonesian B)
  9. Filip S

    Ibanez zr trem

    every string goes sharp when you palm mute pressing on the trem, what else do you expect? yep, ive had mine for some time and there is no problems with the trem or staying in tune.
  10. Filip S

    Ibanez RG2228GK for (sc607b-s7320)

    i can offer S7320, how much cash would you want with it? i got it around Aug/Sep, only change in it is straplocks but i have the original strap holding thingies. EDIT: shit i just realised where you live. i live in the UK :(
  11. Filip S

    16 7 string tunings

    that is exactly what i thought! :lol::lol:
  12. Filip S

    Wooo, first pics of my 8 string!!

    i only have one thing to say and it rhymes with "twenty seven flets" twenty seven frets. FTW!
  13. Filip S

    Newest technique in your arsenal?

    slapping my sevenstring ;)
  14. Filip S

    [Lesson] Seven String Sweep Arpeggios Part II: Sweep Etude in E

    For craps sake i only have 22 frets! grr... >:c what can i change the 24 fret taps to without making it sound crap? P.S. sorry to be so negative, thanks s lot for the sweeps they are great :)
  15. Filip S

    [Lesson] Seven String Arpeggios Part II

    cool sweeps, did you use guitar pro for them? it looks like it, but there might be other programs like it so thats why im asking. if you have a GP file for these, and tbh for any other lesson, it would be appreciated if you could post it somewhere :) Thanks
  16. Filip S


    Hello! I'm a guitar noob!! haha! lol. moving on... Hi everyone, my name is Filip and i live in the UK. I got my first ever guitar on christmas 2006. It was an accoustic yamaha. I started getting lessons in Jan 07. since then i got an electric Vintage, and most recently Ibanez S7320 (I know, Its...