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    Bands You Think Are Under-Rated?

    Symphony X IQ
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    Who here made the jump to a seven for the hell of it?

    For my second guitar all I wanted was a cheap <$700 guitar with: humbuckers, floyd rose, neck-thru, 24 frets, and active pickups. MY teacher told me it was impossible to find a 6 with those q All I wanted 4 my second guitar was: humbuckers, active pickups, floyd rose, and neck-thru all for...
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    Tell us 5 bands you can't stand AT ALL !

    1) Every pop band 2) Every rap band 3) Every death metal /deathcore/harcore/grindcore/metalcore/black metal band 4) Every band with the word "the" in their title 5) (I have to fit everything here) Every blues/j-pop/new romantic/fusion/country/ "hard rock" (not 70's stuff but today's...
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    Insane Piano skills by Shawn Lane...

    I'm in India right now, and to be honest I had never heard of Shawn Lane expect in GW's fastest players list. But DAMN he's so well respected here it's just incredible! All the masters of carnatic musician say he was, no is the best non Indian to ever play the style, and after hearing some of...
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    Les Paul dies at 93, MSNBC reports

    RIP Les Paul. Another death this year :( They just won't stop will they :(
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    Help understand polyrhythm ( konnakol )

    I forgot to add that both of those r being played at the same time. I put 3 measures of 17/8 (guitar) along with 3 measures of 15/8 (drums and keys) written in 17/8, and then I put a drum fill along with a small keys fill to include the extra 6. The bass however is playing in 9/4 and for the 3rd...
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    Odd Time = Slower?

    Yes this thread is bizarre, but just so you know I don't write in 11/16 on paper, it just comes in my head like that. Maybe I should lay off the prog. But seriously if I do write in 4/4 it's usually just a transition to make some of the jumps "work" so to speak. But what you say about the drums...
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    My RG1527 now sounds good!

    I you like playing with a fixed bridge and don't mind the installation fine, go ahead. Just make sure you know that if you go to any of the the modes (hard tail, dive bomb, and fixed) and change the tuning, it won't stay if you switch to another mode. You can't detune in one mode and go back to...
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    Feed my horrible Carvin G.A.S!

    Personally I think the purple finish on the JP musicman looks pretty. I'd go with that if you want purple.
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    Help understand polyrhythm ( konnakol )

    LOL I'm addicted to polyrhythm check out my 17/8 12341212311231234 which is 4 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 4 my 15/8 is not bad either 123121231234123 which is 3 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 3 I envy those who find polyrhythm strange because I have literal pages of this stuff in the oddest time signature. I even...
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    Odd Time = Slower?

    I have this unnatural habit to not write anything in 4/4. Even if the riff I think about is 4/4, which doesn't happen too often, I'll just double it in the same bar and write the time signature as 16/8 on gp5 :). But one of the odd things, and maybe it's just me, is that whenever I write...
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    LOL Somehow I think that every death metal band carries a medical dictionary around with them, in case they can't think of a title.
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    Sounds pretty good. However i think you want some EPICS METALLICUS IN EXTREMO! In which case you need some 20 minute songs, and who writes the best of those? SYMPHONY X DOES! Listen to Divine Wings of Tragedy, and the Odyssey for some slightly shorter, but still EPICUS songs...
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    How much money do metal bands/musicians make in a year?

    David Ellefson had a great video about royalties and he said the break down was like this: $100,000 toward recording the album $25,000 for video $75,000 for the next tour (probably covers 1 month, all the rest comes from promoters) So basically, as David says, a band is $200,000 in the hole...
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    Just Ordered My Custom RGA7

    Freackin wicked! Dual stripes, DiMarzios, that thing where you can feed strings thru the back of the body without taking of the plate. That is one sexy guitar. I think this should become a real model, u kno so that all of us can have one at a cheaper price.
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    Super Hot 7 String Schecter (Japan only)!

    looks like an inflated jem w/o the handle thingy. I expect it'll cost about the same as an inflated jem :(
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    Yo Lefties- Agile Interceptor Pros

    Awesome! Lefty guitars always look so freaky to me, but these are still beautiful. Personally I think the pictures on the "seven string" page look a lot better for the lefties than the righties.
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    NGD with pics and video/sound clip- Agile Interceptor Pro 27

    Awesome! I'm getting mine next week. Was a bit doubtful of those EMG pickups, but they sound pretty baadasss in ur vid, or maybe that's just u :)