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  1. x178x

    Metal goes pop... Where do YOU draw the line?

    I think you have every right to be uncomfortable. I think lines should be drawn, and very frequently. I'm a very open-minded person musically, but open-mindedness can go horribly wrong without correctly crafted taste. That's how shitty music is made, bands that don't know exactly what sound they...
  2. x178x

    Tell us 5 bands you can't live without

    Man... I wish I shared musical interests with people here.
  3. x178x

    Tell us 5 bands you can't live without

    Hmm... Portal (the Australian one, obviously) Porcupine Tree Boards of Canada Paysage d'Hiver Opeth Soooo hard to not mention Rush, Burzum, Meshuggah, Gorillaz, Wold, and many others.
  4. x178x

    Sleep to music

    Boards of Canada is absolutely perfect for sleep. Perfect for anything, really.
  5. x178x

    Portal (the death metal band, now with actual riffs!)

    Vessel of Balon: A brazen head. Engraved with sigils. Emblems The essence of ancient planets sealed within When the moon is old Shall evoke the servitors I bid you enter this vessel Feast upon the essences you so desire Cast forth from the hosts That serve your master Behold your signs look...
  6. x178x

    The Greatest Musicians your Area has to Offer

    Decrepit Birth, Odious Mortem and Braindrill are all literally from my hometown. I could probably go smoke one with Decrepit right now if I really wanted to, they're really chill dudes. My buddy used to get guitar lessons from their drummer, and my other friend used to get drum lessons from...
  7. x178x

    Portal (the death metal band, now with actual riffs!)

    Pay extra attention to the riff from 1:00-1:34 and tell me that isn't the sickest riff on the fucking planet. Seriously, if I had written that riff I could die a happy man. Cheers Illogium.
  8. x178x

    Portal (the death metal band, now with actual riffs!)

    I'd much rather it have a low-fi gritty style of recording than be over-produced and pro-tooled to shit. I HATE stuff like that.
  9. x178x

    Portal (the death metal band, now with actual riffs!)

    I don't think they use effects, they just pick REALLY fast.
  10. x178x

    Portal (the death metal band, now with actual riffs!)

    I love that picture, here's another favorite. Oldschool.
  11. x178x

    Portal (the death metal band, now with actual riffs!)

    Gooood. I know I've said this like a million times, but definitely get Seepia, you'll love it. Wizard hat, or grandfather clock?
  12. x178x

    Portal (the death metal band, now with actual riffs!)

    Yeah dude! That part is SO heavy, I bob my head every time. Is this your first album of theirs? I agree 100%. That's why I have such a deep passion for Black Metal. You have to train your ears before you can even really hear what's going on, but once you understand it's pure bliss. I love...
  13. x178x

    Portal (the death metal band, now with actual riffs!)

    Good enough. :p Werships is so sick, is was on an older EP of theirs but they slowed it down and made it way heavier. Is this your first album of theirs?
  14. x178x

    Portal (the death metal band, now with actual riffs!)

    That's a perfect way to describe them, there's certainly Ambient Black in the mix, which I approve of greatly. Glad it's at least sinking in a bit though, most people just don't care. Larvae's another favorite, the boom at 1:55 is one of the sickest things I've ever heard. :yesway:
  15. x178x

    Portal (the death metal band, now with actual riffs!)

    Writhen's probably my favorite track. I actually didn't really like the album my first listen, but by my second I was hooked. Give it a few tries, and if it doesn't work, oh well. :p
  16. x178x

    Portal (the death metal band, now with actual riffs!)

    Which ones did you get? And how many times have you listened?
  17. x178x

    Portal (the death metal band, now with actual riffs!)

    I disagree, Seepia and Outre differ greatly. Swarth and Outre are pretty similar, but I like Swarth a lot more. If you can manage to get your hands on The Sweyy EP, that album has 2 incredible songs on it (which are on Swarth, but they're different renditions of the songs). I would recommend...
  18. x178x

    Portal (the death metal band, now with actual riffs!)

    Although the technique isn't the focus, it's fucking RIDICULOUS. It's by far the most complicated riffing I've ever heard, considering they play it exactly the same live. It's completely impossible to imitate, and fucking slays all the other Tech Death bullshit.
  19. x178x

    Portal (the death metal band, now with actual riffs!)

    Do you mean figure out what they mean, or what they are? If you mean the latter, you're in luck! All of them are on, Seepia's are some of the best lyrics I've ever read.
  20. x178x

    Portal (the death metal band, now with actual riffs!)

    And the more you listen the more you figure out, it's really rewarding.