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  1. GoreNotCore

    Crate GX212 posessed by satan help!

    ive got it figured out. just needs a new DPDT switch, a couple logarithmic pots, and 2 capacitors. boom. did yours have spring reverb? mine does and idk if it came like that from crate
  2. GoreNotCore

    Crate GX212 posessed by satan help!

    i actually didnt look at that side of the board.
  3. GoreNotCore

    Songs/Bands that are Serious but make you laugh instead

    How about an entire genre? Power Metal... like how can anyone take any of that seriously?
  4. GoreNotCore

    Crate GX212 posessed by satan help!

    I have an oold Crate GX212 and i have to use domestic violence to get it to work temporarily before it cuts out within a couple minutes and i have to abuse it again until it works. literally all the knobs create afwul noises when you turn them, but i can handle that. I can leave the knobs alone...
  5. GoreNotCore

    My Ibby Rg7520 manufactured in 1997?

    Yup. Just like cars. 1998 year models are manufactured starting in 1997
  6. GoreNotCore

    Russian 7 string - Need advice and ID!

    This is total stereotypically russian hahaha. The only way any of us could tell if its worth it or not is to play it personally. On looks alone, it doesnt look very promising
  7. GoreNotCore

    Help! is my RG7620 fake?

    when i put new strings on next time ill check it out thanks!
  8. GoreNotCore

    Help! is my RG7620 fake?

    i guess it was odd because when i was actively looking for one 5 or 6 years ago i couldnt touch it for under $500 and then this one just fell into my lap for squier money.
  9. GoreNotCore

    7th string buzz

    its completely normal. if your string touches the fretboard, youre using way too much pressure. it shouldnt do that ever. the frets are there to make the note. the fret is the only thing the string should touch. using that much pressure will slow down your playing, damage your fretboard and...
  10. GoreNotCore

    Guitar of the Month 2.0 September 2013: JPMike's Skervesen Raptor 8

    oh my god what a beautiful machine! just when you think youve seen it all, this happens haha.:agreed:
  11. GoreNotCore

    Help! is my RG7620 fake?

    yes sir. the duncans still didnt fit. the tabs are cut off on the edges to form kind of a pentagonal shape haha.
  12. GoreNotCore

    Help! is my RG7620 fake?

    im not sure if he knew what it is honestly shhhh
  13. GoreNotCore

    Help! is my RG7620 fake?

    haha thanks anyway
  14. GoreNotCore

    Help! is my RG7620 fake?

    YES that makes me feel much better lol. i like the term "battleworn" it sounds alot cooler than "dinged to hell" haha. any idea what kind of duncans they might be?
  15. GoreNotCore

    Help! is my RG7620 fake?

    that's what im saying haha. it plays better than most 1527's ive run across so im a happy camper. i just had a little paranoia haha. thanks for the speedy reply and good answer:yesway:
  16. GoreNotCore

    Help! is my RG7620 fake?

    hehe no chance bud, i really like this thing. thanks for the speedy reply
  17. GoreNotCore

    Help! is my RG7620 fake?

    some pics to help out
  18. GoreNotCore

    Help! is my RG7620 fake?

    Im always suspicious of buying used Ibanez guitars because of the well known massive fake chinese market. I recently picked up a RG7620BK from a friend, not ebay. I have no real reason to suspect its a fake honestly but i want to be 10000% sure its real just to sleep easier at night. The ONLY...
  19. GoreNotCore

    FS/FT: 1998 Ibanez RG570


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