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  1. M

    Joe Fraulob's signature axe (667)! Halo Guitars Content...

    damn looks demonic. bet it plays good!!
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    Fly V

    i want to see the finished product. i loves it!! im not a V guy but that one is worth the cash!
  3. M

    NGD RG 320 GP

    i grabbed this one up from a friend of a friend. i traded my ax7221 for it. i like it better so far.... the dimebucker is ok but i dont know if im going to keep it yet. the neck pickup is coming out ASAP. the neck is verry nice on this one.
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    Ibanez S470 mint

    what year is it? or whats the serial #?
  5. M

    97 Ibanez RG7620-RB for a Nice 6'r

    damn dude. where were you a week ago! id love to have this axe!! im already workin a trade on my 1987 RG 550dy though. good luck tradin it!
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    Malice In Wonderland (NSFW, Very Messed Up)

    wow. thats all i got forthat one is.......... wow. LSD anyone?
  7. M

    Total noob tube question

    if i am correct, Mesa Peavey and Marshal dont manufacture tubes. they use tubes from an actual tube supplier. like groove tubes or something like that. are you wanting to mod it for the rectifier type sound? i think you can just slap in the correct tube combo and re bias the amp for that.
  8. M

    Work is not a good place to die!

    stop, drop, and roll! oh wait thats something else. ok then get under your desk, put your head between your legs, and kiss your ass goodby!! hopefully it will miss ya!:banana::D
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    :wavey:please dont stab me. im a nice guy.:wavey:
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    Pant Sagging Is...

    did you know sagging started in prison? people who were available would sag there pants. so it realy started as a gay thing and went on to be a........ gay look.
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    O k heres one

    the first time i heard that one i fell out of my chair laughing!
  12. M

    "Death Magnetic" - now on sale

    im a die hard Metallica fan so im getting it. mainly for the collection. iv heard some of the songs and i like them already. im an old school metalhead so i like the older pre load/reload stuff.
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    Customized Ibanez RG7621 (you know the one... the w/b swirled one...)

    sorry im like a 4 year old kid.... i want i want i want i want!!:nuts:
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    never smoked. not on purpose anyway. i was a victim of second hand smoke for 19 years but im away from that now.
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    O k heres one

    thes two old men had just celebrated there 50th wedding aniversarys with their wives and wanted a guys weekend out. they got on a plain to vegas and the one old man turned and says "ya know i havnt had any other pussy in 50 years but my wifes" the other man says "me either. you know...
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    i cant realy welcome you because im new as well but....... the boobs led me here. i am weak!! i havnt laughed this mutch in a while!!
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    Customized Ibanez RG7621 (you know the one... the w/b swirled one...)

    i dont know if this guy is serious. ive been PMing him for a couple of days now about trading my 1987 rg550dy for this guitar and he all the sudden stopped contacting me. i could be wrong though. its just been one day.
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    Unexpected case of six'r g.a.s. (long story)

    go big or go home!! if you like the 400 then get it. if all else fails just tell them i said to!!
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    RG770DX Reissues! PICS!!!

    does anyone have one yet? i havnt seen them in GC or samash. oh well.... not like i can affoard one!!