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  1. D

    Intonation lowest string

    I have a 68. string on it. :) I will try re-intonating it. :yesway: EDIT: I just found out my other strings are also not intonated 100% correct so I will re intonate it.
  2. D

    Intonation lowest string

    Yea I will do that today and come back, but I thought it might be something else. :P Thanks anyways.
  3. D

    Intonation lowest string

    Yea so I got thicker strings and intonated my guitar by a friend of mine. Now I got a problem, all the strings except the lowest string is correctly intonated. When I tuned my guitar to the preferred drop tuning, all the notes on the lowest string are tuned too high a bit except for just the...
  4. D

    Intonation lowest string

  5. D

    Drop G# 25" scale -> what string gauge?

    Thanks both of you I will see what I can get. :)
  6. D

    Drop G# 25" scale -> what string gauge?

    Thank you, sounds good. :) But uhm a 0.67" is a pretty hard string to get right, would it be a big deal if I used a 0.65"? Or does it just mean that it's a little more floppy?
  7. D

    Drop G# 25" scale -> what string gauge?

    Ok so I have been playing on the tuning Drop G# for a while. I used the standard string gauges of a seven string, don't know the exact numbers. It's pretty loose yes but I kind of liked it because of the sound but playability was definitely not very good. Now I'm getting my guitar re-intonated...
  8. D

    Intonation issues due to old strings?

    I didn't change the string gauges because I liked the "gnarly" sound which gets lost when you get thicker strings, I might actually try some thicker strings though, just to see how it feels. I'm going to change the strings first and report back, thanks!
  9. D

    Intonation issues due to old strings?

    Hello everybody, I have a small question. I got my Ibanez RG7641 (25.5") tuned in Drop G#, had this for a long time and never really seem to have problems with the intonation. Now I played some notes on the higher strings and they seem to be totally off tuned-wise. I don't know if I had this...
  10. D

    Bass guitar tone test.

    Sounds nice. The kick sounds plastic S2.0-ish, try EQ-ing some of that shit out. :hbang: Snare sounds good and natural but not very hard hitting. I do think you have done a great job making S2.0 sound good. Can't judge on the bass thanks to shitty headphones/monitors. :hbang:
  11. D

    VRITRA|Vocals added|(Eastern Prog Metal)[C4C]

    Jelly of the fast sweeps. :yesway:
  12. D

    Finally got the mix ive been searching for! FULL SONG inside

    Drums sound great brah. Tone is good too, a bit fizzy I guess but sounds good and aggressive. Did you use parallel compression on the snare and toms?
  13. D

    Help me get a good sitting snare and toms please. My best mix so far.

    Nice mix brah, I like these kind of mixes for deathcore. Kind of raw-ish, not too sterile. I think the tone kills too, pretty damn heavy. I think the cymbals are still pretty loud. You might want to bring the snare up just a bit. Your toms are very loud which makes your snare sound even smaller...
  14. D


    Lol this reminds me a lot of Amogh Symphony but a bit less weird haha. Check him out if you don't know him. :hbang: I like the song and all but your mix is not very good. Your guitar sounds very boxy and boosted to hell and back. What are you using for guitars? I can recommend you TSE x30, TSE...
  15. D

    New track (Drop A, Schecter, Axe Fx, S2.0[Allaire/Avatar/Metal Foundry)

    Drums sound cool indeed and it works for your rap metal project. :)
  16. D

    "27th Nov Heavy Methul Mixtest" - First mixtest in a loong time! (Axe-FX, SD2.0, JP6)

    Sounds cool. Don't really like the snare too much though, it feels buried, not bright. I think your snare sounds a bit like Periphery II's. Maybe get some high end in that snare to make it a bit more "bitey/cracky". Also I think because of the bass, the low end of your snare disappears. But...
  17. D

    Metal Remix of - Shiny Shiny [Axe FX] [Good mix]

    Sounds good brah, kind of like most of your mixes. The vocals are buried though (on my shitty headphone so don't know if this is my headphone being shitty). I'm an anime geek myself so it's cool to see fellow anime geeks making some cool metal. <3
  18. D

    VRITRA (Eastern Progressive Metal) [Looking for feedback]

    Great song. I would look at your drums though, they sound literally like a standard slate kit. You should try more compression and EQ'ing. The song itself is great so imo it's worth it. :hbang:
