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  1. G

    JSX vs. Engl 530

    Oh, I totally agree. I do very much like my JSX and stated that in my message. But my rig is getting quite cumbersome and I was thinking in "downsizing" by bringing only a cab, rack and pedalboard to shows. The E530 is a rad amp from what I have heard, although I do not have any first hand...
  2. G

    JSX vs. Engl 530

    I currently have a JSX that I am pretty satisfied with. However, after hearing some lips of the 530, it has certainly got me curious. Has anyone had any experience in comparing the two? Owners of the 530; what the pro's and cons? How does it stack up to amps like a Dual Recto (personally...
  3. G

    DIY Rack/Amp Road Case

    Very cool creation. Thanks for the ideas.
  4. G

    DIY Rack/Amp Road Case

    Hello Folks; I have some inquiries concerning a project I have been pondering about. I was looking up some of the Amp head/rack road cases on E-bay and was discouraged by their prices (College kid :/ ) However, I began to use my imagination and would appreciate any input on my idea: I...
  5. G

    Amp, pedals

    I'm only willing to trade for a rack tuner, sorry! Ya know, I'm sorry bro. I have decided to keep the Randall as it is my only backup amp to the JSX. Sorry to get you all excited :(
  6. G

    Amp, pedals

    They say you can't put a price on a solid education, but my university sure does. I'm struggling to pay tuition, so here are a few items you may or may not be interested in purchasing to help finance a good cause! For Reference: My ebay handle is Grants949--perfect feedback! They say you...
  7. G

    FT: Pedals for Rack Gear

    Hey folks, I'm trying to fill out my rack as much as possible as to make gigging and practicing less cumbersome. Currently I have a couple more spaces open in my rack and a few more pedals than I would like, so here's the idea: I have a BOSS NS-2 Noise Suppressor Pedal that I would like to...
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    My will be done-unearth

    If one of ya'll could shoot the tab over to ! Thanks!
  9. G

    Fs or trade tribal green agile interceptor pro 25

    I have a thread for a bolt-on septor 7... not quite neck thru.. long shot offer, but hey I like your guitar.
  10. G

    Agile 7 String Septor

    No. Not broken off. It bas been chipped as shown in the picture.
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    Yo dude. I see we're hitting up the same forums (also Dean). GL with your sales over there.
  12. G

    LTD M-300

    very cool flame--killer. good luck!
  13. G

    Agile 7 String Septor

    Make me an offer. (Would rather trade for the floyded version) Let me warn you of one flaw. It has a chip on the very end of the headstock along the sides. I will get pictures of the geet as soon as I can! *Edit: I don't know how to post pictures on this forum--so here are the links...
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    Agile 7 String Septor

    Sure thing. My feedback / handle on ebay is Grants949. I also post on the Dean Guitar forum if anyone is interested.
  15. G

    Agile 7 String Septor

    Hey All; Anyone out there that wants to trade me? It is the metallic black version of the guitar. Definately not "Black" looking... very cool almost.. grayish color. I'm looking for the floyded version of this guitar! I love it, but I also love floyds!

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