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  1. Grack

    NGD: My first Prestige Ibanez!

    That looks delicious :yum: Being the natural color fanboy that I am... :scream:
  2. Grack

    Post Your GAS

    I regret not jumping on the purple version on the GC used gear section. It was 700$. :noplease:
  3. Grack

    New ESP D Signature 7 Strings (J-Rock content)

    While it isn't exactly favorable, the price tag is more of a deal breaker than a tiny leopard inlay.
  4. Grack

    NGD : Ben Savage Sig. Ltd 7 String.

    I haven't seen nearly enough of this guitar here. The unpainted neck really makes me fall me love :wub2:
  5. Grack

    NGD Oh Look its another Whitechapel AW-7 Sig

    If I may ask, what are you planning to do to it?
  6. Grack

    NGD - J Custom Sexy-time!

    Oh, the purple, oh my gawd. :eek:
  7. Grack

    New ESP Whitechapel Signatures!

    Don't mind me. The constant set backs had me in a bit of a funk, I do believe I am over it. :)
  8. Grack

    NGD... my waist isn't 27" anymore, but I have something else that is...

    Your cat's face sums up my reaction! :lol:
  9. Grack

    New ESP Whitechapel Signatures!

    Hate to triple post, but earlier today this came in the mail. I don't own a camera that takes photos of remote quality, and don't want to assault people with 8-bit pix, so I'll post it here. Couple pictures. In all honesty, it is a REALLY great guitar. Everything I heard about...
  10. Grack

    New ESP Whitechapel Signatures!

    Also, seems Studio Gears finally got some/one in. ESP Alex Wade AW-7 BLRSB Strings Electric Guitar in Blood Red Sunburst. New! | eBay :scream:
  11. Grack

    New ESP Whitechapel Signatures!

    Korea. No way in hell anyone would pay 1K for a Chinese made LTD.
  12. Grack

    NGD >> LTD Ex-307/Jackson RR7r

    I've been waiting for an EX307 NGD for a while now. How does it play?
  13. Grack

    New ESP Whitechapel Signatures!

    ESP called to let me know my AW-7 was shipped to GearHounds yesterday. Might finally get it sometime next week.
  14. Grack

    Post Your GAS

    I felt I should update since my last post I made way back when. GASing real bad for an Ibanez RG3550MZGK Also become obsessed with the Jem 7v and then black out the hardware similar to the EVO. and the Ibanez RG3250MZ-FOB, because, look at that purple. It's REAL bad.
  15. Grack

    NGD: KxK 7S Marbley Green Goodness

    It's like...... a swamp monster... :eek:
  16. Grack

    Norwegian band 22 streams their new album "Flux"

    Really chill music. I like it.
  17. Grack

    NGD: LTD Ben Savage BS-7

    I wonder how many people bought this guitar. There have only been 2 NGDs of this, it's a shame, would like to see more of it. Lookin' sexy.
  18. Grack

    Happy NGD to me! Cockstock content (56k go do... something else)

    Yeah, I don't understand the hate on cockstocks, they look absolutely fantastic. Had the biggest guitar-boner for the same guitar in transparent green for the longest time :agreed: Happy New Guitar Day!
  19. Grack

    New ESP Whitechapel Signatures!

    Anyone got any ideas on when this new batch of AWs will be shipping out?
  20. Grack

    ESP M-Seven at Drum City Guitar Land

    Would rather buy one of the various Richard Z models over this. Maybe if it were in titan metal like the one Adam of Angels had.