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  1. friday11

    Post your most "Metal" pic of yourself and your 7!!!

    No he actually play 4 strings! But for the first gig he wanted to use black strings :hbang: After the third song the A string fly apart and he exchange the broken black with a new regular string...thats why the strange look ;)
  2. friday11

    Post your most "Metal" pic of yourself and your 7!!!

    this is a pic of our first gig! It's not a sevenstring, but I hope this is ok!?
  3. friday11

    My will be done-unearth

    and what do you think? I try it for maybe 20 times but I cannot play this! It's just too sick
  4. friday11

    My will be done-unearth

    well I've founded a tab of the intro on and I guess it sounded pretty good!
  5. friday11

    Ibanez S-7320

    too bad
  6. friday11

    Ibanez S-7320

    hi...i'm a noob and do not know what "YGPM" means...well, is this guitar still available???
  7. friday11

    Best DRM free music download store?

    I prefer to pay for music, too. In my opinion it's better cause you've something in your hands, if you'll buy a CD. Sometimes this is just like an synthesis of the arts...well I need the booklet and all this shit to get close to the music...
  8. friday11

    The Rules Of Metal

    :yesway: :lol:
  9. friday11

    New different song with my new Ibanez 6string...and yeah..its totally finished too ;)

    ok thank you! well I'm looking for such a computer a long time. but all these things from toontrack are to expensive for ymself :( Does anyone know some alternatives??
  10. friday11

    Any lyrical writers around here?

    I for myself take always a small book with me, where I wrote all things down that impose or scared me. Last week for example I walk through the city (don't now why...) and I saw two ugly girls, probably the most uglist girls in the world, leaving mc donalds, cross the street and enter burger...
  11. friday11

    Ibanez S7321 in the flesh

    well I bought it 3 months ago. Actually I am not a expert of 7 strings, but in my point of view this guitar is killer! I have to play on it every minute... What else could I say?? english is pretty bad...I couldn't express it in english how this guitar rocks...sorry ...and thanks for...
  12. friday11

    Post your most "Metal" pic of yourself and your 7!!!

    a neologism of our time fits perfectly for this current situation: lol
  13. friday11

    What Company would YOU choose?

    well I know it sounds pretty fruity, but I would choose PRS! Of course, I just play Ibanez and I love them, but I like this curved body of PRS-guitars too! So a 7 string PRS with an Ibanez Neck or something and my name on it would be delicious!!! =)
  14. friday11

    New different song with my new Ibanez 6string...and yeah..its totally finished too ;)

    sounds pretty cool. I like the riff around 1:40...can you tell me how you do the drums? I guess you've used a drum computer, didn't you?
  15. friday11

    Ibanez S7321 in the flesh

    yeah I know! I've no problem w/ it...but thanks for your constitutive words! I appreciate this :)
  16. friday11

    Ibanez S7321 in the flesh

    oh my god...I just want to post something and immediately I get laughed down! Nice work, he? Sorry that I don't noticed the date...I'll be improving myself... and by the way: I like this Natural Mahogany too!
  17. friday11

    Ibanez S7321 in the flesh

    ah nice guitar! i have this one!!! plays great...especially apreggios finds with no trouble! Pretty this thing!!! you don't make a mistake w/ it...
  18. friday11

    LACS RG 7 HAS LANDED !!! (pics)

    i want this guitar too! it looks so awesome!!!
  19. friday11

    Basic Music Theory: An introduction

    cool! Now something make sense =)
  20. friday11

    [Lesson] Seven String Sweep Arpeggios Part II: Sweep Etude in E

    i have try it...but i cannot play it that fast! so it sounds pretty boring! But I will try it again and again! =) Cause this is killer riff!!! awesome!!!!