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  1. S

    What effect is this?

    Thank you! Yes they're a really sick band and all nice dudes. Go check them out if you'd like. And they play in Drop A# with probably a 6505 boosted with a TubeScreamer.
  2. S

    What effect is this?

    Starts at 0:05 I've heard it in a couple songs and was wondering how I could do it in Reaper.
  3. S

    What is a good buget tube booster pedal?

    I was gonna buy a TS-9 but I don't really have $100 for one. I play melodic hardcore and *sometimes* play death metal. I've been looking at the Bad Monkey and BBE Green Screamer. I'm about to get a Bugera 6262, so I need something to boost it with.
  4. S

    Help me with my rig!

    I've been saving and saving and finally have enough money for a decent tube amp. I'm gonna get a Peavey Valveking head and trade my old amp for a cab. If I see a used 5150 for a good price, I'm getting that. But I only have about $800 to $900 to spend. I want a noise suppressor/noise gate (I...
  5. S

    Tell me what you think of my new song! (Melodic Hardcore)

    I was bored Saturday so I recorded the intro of my bands song Betrayer. This is probably my 3rd time recording something using my TonePort UX1 and PodFarm. My friends said it sounded pretty good so far. It doesn't have vocals yet and it's not really mixed. Its only the intro, not the whole...
  6. S

    Im starting a new band with some serious musicians and we want to tour. Some tips?

    I have been in several bands that I work so hard to get going but something always happens and we disband. Recently, I started a band with some people I didn't really know but they wanted the same as me. We have been practicing and have had pretty much the same ideas. We created a song that took...
  7. S

    Can you use Acoustica Beatcraft to write drum tracks them export them to EZDrummer?

    I have EzDrummer with the Drumkit From Hell but I'm not too good at writing drum tracks in TuxGuitar. If I cant use Beatcraft, is there a program similar that will allow me to do it? I use Reaper. Please help!
  8. S

    The Contortionist Megathread

    Saw them with For The Fallen Dreams, Legend, and I Declare War. Such a really good band. I hope this release gives them more popularity. Will be seeing them again in October and November.
  9. S

    Anybody have any .l6t files that are really good?

    I've been experimenting with my POD Studio UX1 and POD Farm and cant find a good high gain tone I like. I've made one with different heads a TubeScreamer but still cant get the tone I like. Im looking for something like a 6505 into a Mesa Cab, "deathcore" tone.
  10. S

    What do you think of the Bugera 6262

    Eh, Im just looking for a head.
  11. S

    Whitechapel tone

    Heres a tour of their gear.
  12. S

    What do you think of the Bugera 6262

    Im considering getting one. This will be my first tube amp. Is it good for the money? Its gonna be used for Hardcore and occasionally used for Death Metal. My band has a few shows this summer so I need something nice. Im gonna boost it with a TS-9. Hopefully I can find a used 2x12 with V30's in...
  13. S

    My band signed to SUMERIAN RECORDS!

    Hahaha. What makes you say that?
  14. S

    My band signed to SUMERIAN RECORDS!

    Crongrats man. Sounds so good! If im not doing anything on the 4th of July, im deff going to the 7 Venue. ITB, For Today, APFP....deff going ha. But anyways good luck with the tour man!
  15. S

    Line in on laptop problems

    Yeah, still no luck.
  16. S

    Line in on laptop problems

    How do you plug your 150 into your computer?
  17. S

    Line in on laptop problems

    Today I tried to record some stuff through my amp into my line in on my laptop.I have a Compaq Presario with Windows Vista SP1. Yeah I know DI recording sucks, but its my only option right now. But when I tried recording it would sound fine for like 3 seconds and then get real quiet. I thought...